Sunday, 26 February 2012

Weekly TV Recap Written Review

So, yet again, I'm not motivated enough to do the vlog.  Oh, and the Oscars are on tonight, which of course I couldn't give two shits about because none of the movies are interesting this year.  They're all just meh.  So I'll just talk about the stuff I did watch and care about this week: The Walking Dead, of course, and Breaking In and Breakout Kings.

     This episode of The Walking Dead tonight was finally worth the wait.  We had all been waiting patiently for the zombies to return, and return they have, in droves.  Finally tonight we had the heart pounding, face smashed in, zombie killing action we've been waiting for.  But what makes this episode most interesting is the interaction between Rick and Shane.  We've been waiting for the tension between them to come to a head ever since we found out that Shane was sleeping with his wife.  In the comics at this point Shane had already been killed, so us as the audience has no idea where this is going.  The sneak preview for the episode next week shows that Shane is still thinking of rebellion, which I really wish he wouldn't, but there we are.  It will definitely be more than interesting to see how everything plays out.

     The next two shows I began to watch this week were Breaking In and Breakout Kings.  Breaking In is about a firm of specialists who break in to various companies for them so that the companies can find out what their weak spots are.  It's a comedy show, so we see a lot of silly stuff happening, but I like that it's not the gross-out humor that is more popular right now.  Which is surprising because it's done by Happy Madison Productions.  A lot of people don't like them or Adam Sandler, but honestly, they do produce some fun stuff.  I still maintain that Little Nicky is one of my favorite comedy movies and I plan to do a scripted video review of it in the future.  I haven't caught up all the way with the episodes, but so far I'm enjoying it.  If you haven't seen it yet, its a lot of fun.  It's also great to see Christian Slater in a decent role again.  Breaking In is owned by and aired on FOX.

     Breakout Kings is the show that has definitely caught my attention this week.  Again, I'm not all caught up to date with it yet, but the new season starts in about a week, so I have time.  I have to say, I am in love with this show.  And I know, I seem to be spreading around my amour for all these different shows, but they really are all worth it.  It's all just adding to my opinion that TV today is better than theatrically released films.      Anyways, the basic plot of the show is that the U.S. Marshals have created a team of convicts with special abilities to help them recover escaped convicts.  Cool idea, great cast, especially Jimmi Simpson who plays Lloyd Lowry, a one time psychiatric doctor turned prison inmate.  I've been watching this actor for a while now and I'm surprised at myself for not having watched this show earlier.  Oh well, at least I get to watch all the episodes in a row right?  But anyways, the show is well worth the watch, if not for the interesting situations they find themselves in but for the great cast.  Here's the link to the IMDB page:  Also, T-Bag from Prison Break is in this!  This takes place in the same universe as Prison Break, how cool is that!  Great, now I have to re-watch that show again too.

     So that's it for this week.  I'm currently working on a comedy review for The Blue Lagoon, but it's going super fucking slow because that movie is almost unreviewable.  I swear, half the movie has nudity, while the other half is just inserts of pretty animals.  See you next week!

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