Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Recently Uploaded Art

Some of it's new, some of it's old and recently tweaked.  The Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 1 review will be up within the day!

This is the poster for my webshow.  The background is one of the shirts I've tie-dyed laid out flat.  I like how you can see the wrinkles.

This is one of my old characters that I recently redid in graphite because I hadn't done a portrait in a while.

This was a class project where I had to draw a scene where two men were sword fighting. So what better scene than when Jet attacks Zuko in Season 2 of Avatar the Last Airbender? This is a point in the fight when they both are using only one sword. It is done with water color paints and then inked over. I don't think I'll use water color paints again. 

And last but not least my Mass Effect Paragon/ Renegade toque.  The idea behind it is that you can change which symbol you wear on the front.  These were the first patterns I did with knitting, but I think they turned out well.  The next one I want to do is the mushroom from Super Mario Bros.

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