Friday, 28 December 2012

Copyright and Modern Internet Culture

As you may have guessed from the post title, this is indeed a paper that I wrote for school.  However, I put a lot of time and effort into this paper and I feel it turned out well.  It was in APA style originally, and this is how it transfers to an internet page.  Take a look if you're interested, it's pretty heavy stuff, but it's also a very important topic for us creative types on the internet.  Here's the link to the pdf of the paper: Copyright and Modern Internet Culture.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

The Hobbit VLog Review

A week after I see The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey I talk about it on camera! I talk a little bit about the movie, but mostly about the actors that do and don't appear in the movie (I mean you Benedict Cumberbatch).

Django Unchained Review

I talk about the new western action flick Django Unchained, directed by Quentin Tarantino, starring Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Fanart Law

I found this video to be incredibly informative and useful when shaping my understanding of copyright law and I think everyone should check it out. It's great because it's a law professor giving a speech about copyright law in a way that's very understandable. I'm actually using it as a reference for paper I'm working on.

"Josh Wattles, $makepictures is an expert on copyright law bringing perspective and experience to the issue from multiple creative industries. From art, film, music, and books, Josh has been directly involved in or advised on copyright issues for the biggest properties in the world. He is also a copyright professor teaching courses at at Loyola, Southwestern and the University of Southern California law schools in Los Angeles."
by  deviantArt, posted on YouTube, 
September 10, 2012

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Playing with Soundcloud

Hey all, I'm playing with sound effects and podcasts and stuff with Soundcloud. This is the fx of a Ford Ranger.

Ford ranger by JNJeffery

Silent Hill: Revelations Review

For my first review in a long time I take a look at the new Silent Hill movie. Did I like it? Did it make sense? Did Kit Harrington take his shirt off? All these questions and more are answered in this review.

Note: I shot and uploaded this video weeks ago, but I just realized I hadn't posted it here yet. Whoops.

Also, poor quality video, not quite sure why, but I will recode this one with a better program. When I have time ...