Thursday, 26 July 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Review Part 2

In the second part of my review of The Dark Knight Rises I discuss the motivations for several characters and how I perceived said characters. This part has spoilers!

After more time and consideration, I do feel that it had a little more plot threads than it needed and could feel bloated to some people. This was a different film than The Dark Knight and I feel it was a great ending not only to Bruce Wayne/ Batman's story, but also to this version of Gotham. Is is better than The Dark Knight? Well, that's debatable, but I do know I like this film better. I still personally feel it was a stronger piece because of how it portrayed the city, instead of just individual characters. When it comes out on DVD I'll watch all three together and see what I feel then. For now, I'm still of the opinion that one of the main reasons people don't like this movie is because it's not The Dark Knight. To be honest nothing can ever be just like or better than Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker, and what makes this third film good is that it goes for something completely different. This film has a lot of very strong points to it, and those strong points definitely outweigh the weak ones (such as Bane's voice, which I personally didn't mind, or the numerous plot threads we didn't really need). That's why I didn't give it a perfect mark, because it's not a perfect film, but it is a film that does exactly what the director wanted it to do and finished up on most, if not all, of the plot threads presented within it. What I do know, is that comparing it to all the other big films of the year, such as The Hunger Games, The Avengers, Prometheus, etc, this is the best film in my opinion. So far. I'll just have to wait for the real Oscar bait around Christmas before I make any grand statements.

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